They're chicken, and non-traditionally shaped, but they're cooked the right way - at least I think they are. Damn tasty and professional looking. This any my other recent culinary adventures all come courtesy of Alton Brown. See the granola bars below, they're from Sunday.
I finally got my broken tooth fixed. It broke in, like November of 2003, I finally got a root canal last spring, and went to get it crowned last month. Since I waited so long, the next tooth over decayed to the point they had to crown it as well, and being so small they had to do it in gold - yeah, I don't get it either. I guess it's sort of bad ass? I'm like a pirate, or something. So, I guess my father's advice of "Why bother going to the dentist if it doesn't hurt" kinda failed me here.
We got to see D's pictures of Jared and Lisa's wedding on facebook, and immediately regretted not finding a way out there. I feel like this is the first major event we've missed out on since leaving, and it sucks. It looks like every one had a good time, and it looks to have been a nice day. Congratulations to the Happy Couple, we look forward to celebrating with you in July.
The service was nice, but -- maybe its the lack of religion in my life -- felt sort of impersonal. Linda described it as a Catholic mass with a wedding in the middle and I don't doubt that's what they wanted. From an outsider's perspective, though, it was missing something.
It was rather amusing when Jared's half of the church watched Lisa's half of the church receive the Eucharist.
Yeah, that's how they tend to go, I've been to more than a few. They do tend to be a bit stuffy and self-important.
It wasn't so much the service that we were upset at missing, so much as seeing (almost) everyone back together again. July should cancel that out though, at least I hope it will.
I'm looking forward to July's gathering, as well, though I've yet to send in my RSVP. I've also neglected to purchase the newly weds a gift. Bah.
I'm not sure if we sent ours yet, either: Erin filled it out right away, and then left it sitting on the counter. If memory serves, I think we missed the "reply by" date if that's the case. I should get on that tonight.
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