Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So, I cut fast food and soda out of my diet. In fact, I cut out High Fructose Corn Syrup as much as possible. I knew there would be two holes in my resolve, one for each. One: when I go see Prince Caspian it is imperative that I have me some Mr Pibb and Red Vines, as they are crazy delicious. Two: I love me some Chick-Fil-A. My first, and only experience with it was on our cross country trek, and it was heaven on a bun. Seriously, I like me some chicken sandwiches, and this was bar none the best chicken sandwich I've ever had. But Chick-Fil-A is primarily a southern and mid west thing. How could it tempt me from half a country away?

Enter Mickey D's
This is the Southern Chicken Sandwich. Seasoned chicken breast, buttered bun, pickles. The classic Chick-Fil-A sandwich down to the garnish. On top of that, they're giving it away for free on Thursday. It... it's just not fair! Sigh. Expect a review of it sometime soon. Maybe if it doesn't live up to the original it won't be as hard to resist.

1 comment:

Christopher John said...

Be strong, avoid McDonald's at all costs!

Kudos on giving up fast food and soda. It's a healthy move and one that will ultimately save you money if you drink tea/water/coffee and fix your own meals instead.