Monday, January 28, 2008

Peny Arcade on WoW

The guys at Penny Arcade recently got back into WoW, due mainly to this (which is, by the by, the coolest WoW related thing I've ever seen), and Tycho had a similar reaction to his relapse as I did to mine:

What I do know is that they have set up a system that allows me to rent my friends on a monthly basis.

I've missed hanging out with 40 people every night, even more so now that we're alone out here, but it's like a second job. Add into that the time zone difference and we'd barely be playing with our Albany friends anyhow. I do think about it from time to time, seeing as how I'm subscribed again (I think), but I don't know how I feel about Hunter anymore. I gave some thought to leveling a Belf Paladin when BC came out, but that's WAY more time than I'd like to invest in it. Besides, what with the 360, and notably Rock Band, my gaming time is occupied.

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