Friday, January 4, 2008


You know how in news articals when an amount is listed in foreign currency they allways list the US value in parens next to it? Like "40 GBP ($80)"? I saw one in a yahoo news article today about a street racing law in canada that contains the line:

face a minimum C$2,000 ($2,000) fine.

I knew the dollar has been in a tail spin, I even knew the canadian dollar was now equal to ours, but damn if that's not depressing seeing it in print that way. Looks to be about time to get all your international travel out of the way, before it becomes financially unfessable.

All this time, I should have been collecting canadian quarters instead of deriding them as 17 slugs.

Just finished the above noted article. The guy was pulled over doing 100 in a 60 (near enough at least, after the metric conversion). In New York they'd arrest you for reckless endangerment at that speed. Here's what happened in canada:

"When he finally stopped, the man told the officer he was going to the bank and planned to go shopping ... the officer drove him to the bank."

There's something wrong with these people.

EDIT the second:
A different article on Yahoo News about (or aboot, eh?) the same occurance with all the values (speed, speed limit, cost of the fine) already converted into US terms shows the fine as $2002. A sad day indeed.

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