Sunday, November 9, 2008


I recently merged the music libraries from the several computers we've owned over the years onto Erin's laptop. As may be expected, there was quite a bit of overlap between them, and iTunes isn't quite smart enough to realize it's got two of the same song, so you wind up with "Paranoid Android.mp3", "Paranoid Android 1.mp3", "Paranoid Android 2.mp3" all in the same directory. As a result, I'm been going through track by track checking for repeats. On the one hand, it's a great way to remember all the music I forgot I owned (or "owned", as the case may be). On the other hand, we're talking about a library of 6,600 tracks, just about 27.5 GB, so it's going to take a while. Honestly, I would have left it as is, but our iPods are both only 30GB, and between the music, podcasts, and video, it just wouldn't fit. Since I'd have to go through the whole of it anyway to pick what I didn't want synced, it can't hurt to clear out the trash on the way.

Notes along the way:
Most frustrating part of this task - incorrectly formatted ID3 tags (mostly the title of the song containing " - "). Worse yet - the same, plus the artist bit is wrong. I mean come on, The Beatles did not sing "Love Potion #9". Barenaked Ladies did not sing "Buddy Holly". Worse yet - the same, but I can't figure out who the correct artist is. Most in this category seem to be listed as Dave Matthews songs. I mean damn, they did alot of coversongs, c'mon!

Must... Resist urge... to delete all of Erin's Creed tracks...

I still have a copy of my all time favorite holiday song. It's got some competition this year though.

Guilty Pleasure #1: Fall Out Boy. After going to see them back in Summer '07, and realizing the then current Pop Punk/"Emo" movement was this decade's answer to Boy Bands, I stopped listening to them altogether. But the few tracks they have on Rock Band piqued my interest in them again, and damn if their tracks aren't catchy as hell. Fun Fact about that show in 2007 - they did a cover of Michael Jackson's "Beat It", and I'm pretty sure Adam, Erin, and I were the only ones in our section who knew what song it was, or even that it was a cover.

No many how times I tell it not to "ask me this again", iTunes insists on double confirmation before deleting anything.

I have been slowly amassing a large quantity of Greatest Hits CD's. Yes, I know, Greatest Hits albums are for housewives and little girls. A partial list: ABBA, Aerosmith, Alice in Chains, The Beatles, Billy Joel, CCR, CSN, Bowie, The Doors, Electric Light Orchestra. That's A through E.

OK, 312 duplicates removed, that's enough for today. Library size now 26.21 GB

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