Saturday, March 7, 2009

This! Is! Watchmen!

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

Going to see it tonight. Personally, I like Snyder's work. But he is a bit predictable. There will be plenty of slow motion fight scenes to be had, I can guess that much. And impossible, stylistic backgrounds, via chroma key. But hey, it's a comic book movie. It works. I read a review that called him a really fancy photocopier, rather than a director, but for this kind of adaptation anything less would draw complaints.


Christopher John said...

The movie was way too long.

Sean said...

You thought so? It didn't feel it at all for me. Did you read the graphic novel? I think that may have made it feel tighter to me, I kept anticipating the next sequence.

Christopher John said...

I did. The music was also atrocious. I don't know; I like what they did with the ending, but I just feel like they took the comic and added bad fight scenes.

Unknown said...

I personally enjoyed it and I think what changes were made were necessary to translate the story from a comic book into a movie.

Could have done without so much blue wang though.

Sean said...

Blue wang was a bit excessive. The comic version was tasteful, like a classical sculpture. Movie version was a bit out there. At least it didn't swing around when he moved.