Monday, March 24, 2008

The best idea ever.

So, we had a big Easter dinner. Lamb, roast potatoes, etc. On a whim, we decided to do chocolate fondue, mainly because we had some nice strawberries from the farmers market. Mixing up a pot of ganache isn't the easiest thing in the world, so it's natural to start looking around for things to dip in it. We acquired some pineapple ahead of time, and some grapes. Then we started scrounging around for other dip-ables. The easter candy was about, I had wanted to melt some bunny into the sauce. To make this clear, I already consider Peeps about the high point of Easter, in fact I think it's about the ONLY thing I like about Easter. Coating Marshmallow and Sugar in a coating of chocolate and cream is like heaven on a tiny fork. I've decided - just now - that this is going to be a yearly thing.

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